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Friday, 20 December 2013

has been a LOOOONG time since i last posted

yes...yes....recovery is impt...and its 3:42am and im not asleep.....apparently im bz lookin for more income. ANYWAY, did i tell u guys i officially lost 20kg?

This week I have been feeling quite giddy and lightheaded...think due to the lack of sleep and iron as i am losing blood...girls thingy u know.

and OH I cut my hair as it was dropping like MAD. It was like...i cannot even describe I had a haircut/shave.

Me with my different length or hairstyles

Think its due to stress that my hair is dropping....

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

My boxing life.

So I've been quite active....I THINK SO LA...Trying to train harder. What I have noticed about my physical changes are def my deltoids....I have never really trained my deltoids specifically.

Have been busy! So some updates! Bulimia?

I recently moved house, quit my job....I now focus on exercising. BUT there is something wrong with my gastric. I would puke everyday. Yes, everyday at almost the same time. I used to be bulimic. Yeap, I've had bulimia.

It all began when my ex bf used to call me fat everyday. He used fat as an excuse to hit me. I starved myself for a month. I literally didn't eat for a month. If i did, I would force myself to puke it out. So I guess this is one of the after effects of being bulimic.

Here are some latest selfies!

Monday, 21 October 2013

Finally got time to update

I am SO sleepy. Anyway, today I'm gonna talk about binge eating and exercise

That moment when you just feel like giving up on your diet, and you wanna eat crap. Think and remind yourself about how stupid and regretful you will feel after that. I've been there. I am sure more of you have been there. Mine is so bad until I rush to the toilet to puke everything out. Yes, I was bulimic for a few months. It was so bad, I can't eat anything. Anything i ate will automatically be puked right out. But I got over it. So trust me, I know how it feels. Even till now, sometimes it comes back. When someone comments I'm fat, I feel nausea coming. But i know i'm eating well and my body needs those nutrients.

One thing: Exercise should be about rewarding yourself with endorphin (the happy hormone). NOT about punishing yourself for eating too much. You won't feel happy, you will feel like it is a chore to work out. Make your workout fun! Not station by station, how many reps and sets. Yes those are important but if you find the workout boring, most probably, you won't continue for long. So spice up your work out and have fun with it!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

new reebok shirt and my selfie

What I did this week to lose my weight

1) Believe in the if you do not need those calories, dun eat it.
Before sleeping, you DO NOT need those extra calories to help you sleep. if you are really hungry, grab a cuppa hot chocolate or smt low in calories. Not eat a full meal of roti prata, rice or wadnots...

I am not really sure about this but chewing takes time. Our brain takes about 20 mins to register the fact we are full. So take your time to eat...and let the saliva so its job but jump starting the digestion.

Sometimes, your body thinks you are hungry but in actual fact, you are just thirsty. DRINK.

4) Keep active.
Don't stop moving. Keep yourself moving, basically it burns up more calories.

Another 3 kgs lost. I think...LOL

About 2 weeks ago i was 75kgs.....Today I'm 70kgs....last year I was as of today..i lost 15kgs!

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

My weight loss progress

In 2009...i was about 60kgs..hahahahha that was my fittest moment of my life. BUT I had a kid..and i became the 2012 fatso. Round and flab like a ball..decided i got sick of my body and fats so I got back to gymming and stuff. So here I am now. Still fat but NOT THAT FAT. Progress!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Food that you THINK is healthy

FRUIT JUICE. Yes, fruits are healthy....juice is healthy..BUT high in sugar. You think you are drinking the good stuff...

For example, orange juice, apple juice...if you eat the fruit whole, the fiber in the fruit will actually fill you up and it takes 1-2 fruits. BUT juice? How many of the fruit must you use to make a cuppa juice? 4-5? You are taking in 4-5 amount of sugar and best part, it gets digested almost like water and you are hungry again and you take in more and more. So for those who are on diet and drinking juice to lose weight, NOT A GOOD IDEA UH!

Monday, 30 September 2013

Things that you can snack on, HEALTHY SNACKS!

Face it, we have our itchy mouth times whereby we're not hungry but we just feel like eating. And there are times whereby its not meal time yet but u are already feeling the hunger. What to do? Hunger is your body trying to tell u that it needs fuel. But WHAT kinda fuel must you give your body?

1st thing, your brain sometimes mistakes thirst for hunger. So when you feel hungry, try drinking a cup of water 1st. If the hunger goes away and doesn't come back anytime soon, u are thirsty and not hungry and that can save you a lot of extra unwanted calorie intake.

If le hunger comes back, TIME FOR FOOD.

You would wanna fuel the body but not OVER fuel. And fuel with the right kind of food.

1st food you can fuel with is sweet potato which i talked about before. It has high anti oxidents and high fibre which also help to fill your tummy. Its made of good carbs, meaning it releases energy slowly into your body and doesn't cause any sugar rush. We hate sugar rush, it makes us sleepy and lethargic.

2nd food dark chocolate (tip from my beloved boxing coach). Get a 70% one. Take 2 cubes. Take it when you are hungry or whenever you need a fuel during your workout.

Dark chocolate contains a number of vitamins and minerals that can support your health. Dark chocolate contains the following vitamins and minerals in high concentrations:
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Magnesium 
  • Iron
The copper and potassium in dark chocolate help prevent against  cardiovascular ailments. The iron protects against anemia and the magnesium in chocolate helps prevent type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. 

So yea, CHOCO UP!!!!

For me personally, I do not take fruits when im hungry. it somehow makes me hungrier...have no idea why also. maybe because of the high sugar content. 

3rd thing you can eat: FROZEN GRAPES. Its sweet. Good for peeps with a sweet tooth. You can get seedless grapes and put it in the freezer. I like to have it skinless but AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT. So yea, i just live with the skin. Still yummy. 

so whenever you wanna snack, you can think of these 3. 

Some progress pics.

So the top is me 1 year ago. left is me a few weeks ago. And right is me today. 
The top, to me, LOOKS LIKE SHIT. The weird thing is when u are that size, u dun even realise how atrocious you look. And yea...that my friends is atrocious. Flufffffyyyyy. So soft so ewww the muscles..not even there. So I was sick and tired of that shit and decided i have to get back to my old self.

1st: me a few weeks ago
2nd: me a few days ago. I GREW FATTER. hahaha cause i was eating non-stop rubbish like chicken rice and chocolate and mooncakes...OH WELL. So yea...i got back in my game and started to work out and watch what I eat and today? NO MORE TUMMY! 

Friday, 27 September 2013

before and after the Vit C treatment

HUGE DIFFERENCE hahahahahha...both without make up. No foundation at all 

Workout and diet program for this week.

Skipping. 3 sets of 2 mins.
Shadow boxing ( i feel stupid punching nth but oh well)
Core exercises

Carbohydrates, protein and fibre in the morning for breakfast to break my fast at night. Today I had a sandwich with tuna, lettuce, tomato, egg

Lunch would be something filling but not that high in carbohydrates, but high in protein and fibre.

Snack on sweet potatoes and fruits. dinner would be something light....a chicken salad or yea..

Thursday, 19 September 2013

What's in my make up bag (to-go)

So just to share what i put in my to go make up bag. Normally at home, I would wash my face using the garnier sakura facial wash...and den i use a toner and after that I use the garnier miracle perfecter, and if I have extra time i put on eye liner. Today i didn't have time to put on eyeliner so yea...its just bare face with bb cream a a little concealer cos i was developing dark circles from all the lack of sleep and dehydration.

So yea..this is my face with no filter. I have the bb cream on, concealer on the dark circles, mascara and a little blush. 

My to go make up kit. Brushes....mascara from lancome(dolly eyes). eyelash curler from shu uemura. blush from mac, a few lip gloss and the concealer. 

I dun really use brushes as i like the heat from my fingers to help me blend out the liquids. I only use brushes for the powders. I only use powder blush and occasionally loose powder when I feel sticky. But today I was feeling velvety. So yea...bbcream and concealer only. 

Monday, 16 September 2013

Some encouragement

“There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them.
But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.” 

“You cannot expect victory and plan for defeat.” 

“Head up, heart open. To better days!” 

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

To breathe out...or in?

I have been to the gym and seen people breathing differently while lifting weights. So when do you breathe in and when do you breathe out?

Answer: The moment of time when you are exerting the most force, BREATHE OUT! EXHALE! Just like boxing..when we are punching out, we as according to Boss, we must "tsssss" like a snake to exert more force. Same goes to lifting. You realise that in a power lifting competition, the competitors keep making weird and loud noises. It somehow gives them more yea...breathe out when u are exerting force.

Long time no post!

have been so so so busy and tired. Here's my OOTD!

Shirt is from some shop at pasar malam..10 bucks? . 100% cotton. very comfy. its my 1st time wearing checks ok!!
Tights from pasar malam also...10 bucks or less...
Shoes are from far east..20 bucks..hahahaha. Im a budget person today. oh my hair is long enuf to be tied up already. yay yay!

Thursday, 12 September 2013