1st thing, your brain sometimes mistakes thirst for hunger. So when you feel hungry, try drinking a cup of water 1st. If the hunger goes away and doesn't come back anytime soon, u are thirsty and not hungry and that can save you a lot of extra unwanted calorie intake.
If le hunger comes back, TIME FOR FOOD.
You would wanna fuel the body but not OVER fuel. And fuel with the right kind of food.
1st food you can fuel with is sweet potato which i talked about before. It has high anti oxidents and high fibre which also help to fill your tummy. Its made of good carbs, meaning it releases energy slowly into your body and doesn't cause any sugar rush. We hate sugar rush, it makes us sleepy and lethargic.
2nd food dark chocolate (tip from my beloved boxing coach). Get a 70% one. Take 2 cubes. Take it when you are hungry or whenever you need a fuel during your workout.
Dark chocolate contains a number of vitamins and minerals that can support your health. Dark chocolate contains the following vitamins and minerals in high concentrations:
- Potassium
- Copper
- Magnesium
- Iron
The copper and potassium in dark chocolate help prevent against cardiovascular ailments. The iron protects against anemia and the magnesium in chocolate helps prevent type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.
So yea, CHOCO UP!!!!
For me personally, I do not take fruits when im hungry. it somehow makes me hungrier...have no idea why also. maybe because of the high sugar content.
3rd thing you can eat: FROZEN GRAPES. Its sweet. Good for peeps with a sweet tooth. You can get seedless grapes and put it in the freezer. I like to have it skinless but AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT. So yea, i just live with the skin. Still yummy.
so whenever you wanna snack, you can think of these 3.